Monday, February 16, 2009

a life philosophy

"The world is so full of a number of things,
I am sure we should all be as happy as kings"
- quote embroidered on a wall hanging in my grandmother’s bed room

Hegel, shmeghel. Heidegger, blah-de-bore. I choose Hallmark!


Christina Spinelli said...

"Every day is a gift. It's up to you to unwrap it."
- poster from the bathroom of stoneham high school's drug lord

dave kutz said...

very nice phrase. who is this drug lord?

Christina Spinelli said...

jimmy mccarty. oh lord. what a character. h has since disappeared, but was seen wearing black lipstick in the passenger side of his mother's minivan several months ago. i have a cd he made in 2000. it is the same beat over and over for at least 10minutes. i'll show you sometime.
also, on summer days, he goes to movie theaters alone and steals peoples' energy.*

*human vampire

dave kutz said...

oh my. we must be vigilant of mr. mccarty.

Tyler James said...

Has he seriously stated an attempt to steal other people's energy? Please tell me this is true.

Christina Spinelli said...

It's so true! One day, he showed up on my porch in his cloak (black velvet, 90 degree weather). He was crying, saying he had no friends and wanted to die. Then he stopped crying, became totally serious and asked if he could take a little of my energy. Feeling bad, but also terrified, I said "Umm, no, I'm sorry." To which he replied by closing his eyes and standing with his hands open & palms facing me. It was so scary! I told him to stop & then he walked away, crying.

dave kutz said...
