Thank you 'Tycerium' for your insightful commentary on
Women's Prison Massacre: Uncut.
"Womens Prison Massacre: Uncut" is not a good women in prison film. "Fugitive Girls" and "Reform School Girls" are much better, for example. "Womens Prison Massacre" has some nudity and a little soft core sex, but not very much, and it's not very erotic. The story, acting, and dialogue are bad, and not in an amusing way. The soundtrack is extremely annoying, playing loudly, repetitively, and needlessly. There's more violence than sex, and it's grosser and bloodier than it needs to be. For an amusingly campy women in prison B-movie, I recommend "Fugitive Girls". For a more sexy one, I recommend "Reform School Girls".
My only complaint is that Tycerium fails to comment on whether the bonus second feature, Caged Women, is a worthwhile addition to the women in prison canon.
I have to agree that the user reviews rock, and provide some hilarious suggestions. We were looking for a good serial killer movie (macabre statement, I know), and we were lead to a film called "Ted Bundy" by a user review. In the first ten minutes Bundy was portrayed as a kleptomaniac who resembled Pee Wee Herman. It was good for a laugh, if nothing else.
sounds like a rip off of 'the big bird cage'.
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